The drive across the lake Saturday morning was colder than I figured. By the time we had driven to our fishing area, my forehead felt like it had 100 needles being driven into my brain at 50 MPH by the wind. I think it took a full 15 minutes after we started fishing before I stopped shivering. Luckily, I didn't have a lot of time to cry about it as the smallie hunt was on in full.
Fly box: Crawdads -- Check. Perch minnow imitations -- Check.
The first fish just about ripped the rod out of my hands. It was a demon fighting for it's dinner (crawdad pattern pictured above) and it didn't give up easily. It was one of the most fun fish I've ever caught. From the hit to the fight and the fish itself, it was memorable.

And the proud papa with his smallmouth bass:

It was, after all, the first smallmouth on the aptly named "Smallmouth" rod. Seeing that fish bend the 8 wt into a pretzel was downright scary.
And some final shots of other fish that great day...

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